Sunday, 3 April 2011

Passport: no flight confirmations

Hats off and a big round of applause for Hoani from Internal Affairs! And I don't believe that a Government bureaucrat from any other country would have rung me up so nicely to point out that, er, actually I'd forgotten to include my photos with my passport application-then, the very next day after I'd dropped in the missing pics, my new New Zealand passport was delivered to my door. So, now I've got a kiwi passport which means that we can spend both time queuing up for a visa at Delhi airport when our flight gets there are 2 a.m. or something. And that's another thing- the excellent Betty of Cathay Pacific says that she is hassling Head Office in Hong Kong to confirm our flights. It's less than 2 weeks before we are supposed to go and we have no confirmations. OOOOOh- nervous....

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